Coke with... The Baseballs
A CONVERSATION WITH them is always fun, no matter when or where they
are. But today, Basti, Sam and Digger are not in the Same room, not even in the Same town. We did a teleconference
interview by phone. However, we had no few fun - even if from time to time one
of the three of them stayed out of connection. Basti was about to cook a lasagna in his house, Digger sitting in front of a large box
with screws and anchors was deciding between installing a new 6 or 8-pin lamp. Sam has a call through the car's hands-free
We wanted to talk mainly about the Coca-Cola Christmas Parade. On
December 17th, The Baseballs
will take part in the live Munich parade on the iconic red truck.
A wider audience knew them in 2009 through rock 'n' roll versions of
songs like "Umbrella" by Rihanna or "Hot 'n' Cold" by Katy
Perry. On their latest album "Hit Me Baby" they made versions of
songs from the 90s. And not only in Germany, fans of good and humorous covers
are enthusiastic, unless in Scandinavia and Russia, where Basti, Sam and Digger appear regularly.
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Selfie in the kitchen: Basti |
Coke, Coke Light, Coke Zero
or Coke Life?
Basti: "My favorite is
Classic Coke. But sometimes I also [drink] Coke Zero. "
Sam: "Actually, I just
drink the classic Coke."
Digger: "Actually, I drink a
lot of Coke Zero, but sometimes a red one"
You were only there for two
shows for Russia. What did the Russian journalists want to know about you?
Digger: "First of all, there
are few differences in terms of understanding. That's why the questions are
quite simple. Actually, they are often standard questions: How long does it
take with your hair? Where did you meet? And then, what do we think about the
Russian public. "
What do you guys say?
Digger: "Only positive
things. We have always noticed that the Russians, in fact, are a very party
people. In addition to listening to folk songs, rock 'n' roll is very popular
among Russians. "
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Selfie with Tools: Digger |
Can you then say a few
words in Russian? In fact, Basti comes from East Germany...
Basti: "But, I almost did
not learn anything new on this trip, unfortunately."
Sam: "But, we are
grateful for Basti, at least he
knows some words in Russian. He, therefore, is immediately our link with the
public. Although if Digger and I
just said 'vodka', the audience would scream. But the funny thing is that Basti changes his behavior when
speaking in Russian. Suddenly, he speaks in a more serious tone than usual.
Russian Christmas songs are
difficult, or ...?
Basti: "Yes, of course,
although we have already played in the Christmas party of a Russian company.
But, the Russians prefer to celebrate the New Year and, in January, Orthodox
Christmas. Although there are Christmas markets, they are not running around
Santa Claus."
By the way: How much did
you believe in Santa?
Digger: "I used to put my
little letter on the window curb so Santa could pick it up. In primary school,
I discovered that Santa does not exist. But I would tell my parents that I
still believed in him and put my paper in the door so my parents would not wake
up at night. "
Now you're traveling with
Santa and the Christmas trucks. Can you understand the fascination around Good
Old Man?
Sam: "I can fully
understand. In the early 1990s, I saw the advertising truck on TV. I found the
publicity so fantastic that I asked my mother if she could call me when it
showed up on TV. For me personally, it's a dream coming true, finally see these
trucks live and even to be in one of them. "
So The Baseballs sounds on
their latest album "Hit Me Baby ..."
What are the differences between
Christmas concerts and other "normal" shows?
Basti: "Of course, we play
more Christmas songs than usual and besides, we're moving while we sing ... I'm
anxious to see if the fans of the first queues will accompany us on the
How long have you been getting ready for these shows? Because it's rare
you sing these songs during the year ...
Digger: "It's like riding a
bike. We sang the traditional songs, especially the ones we liked to hear when
we were kids. Today, if I hear "Driving Home for Christmas" on the
radio, I sing it together once and I remember our own version. "
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Selfie in the car: Sam |
Do you sing on Christmas
Eve with your families the classic "Silent Night" or do they ask to
sing the rock 'n' roll version?
Basti: "Fortunately not.
But our families are not used to sing. We put the traditional Christmas CDs,
now ours too. Although, it's a bit embarrassing to hear your own music in the
family circle. "
Do you give each other
Christmas presents?
Basti: "In the first year,
we gave ourselves something. But, it triggered such stress that we stopped it.
In the festive season we spend more time together than with our families, so we
accept our mutual presence as a gift. "
If you had to give us an
Sam: "We would have to
think. With Digger it would be super
easy. Because you just have to go to the hardware store and buy any tool. And
we always say Basti is the band
cook. Right now, he's making some delicious bolognese sauce on his stove. So we
could think of something"
What can not miss for you
to be sure that Christmas Eve?
Basti: "For us, the day is
traditionally timed. It starts at noon with a chicken soup made by Mama
[lovingly mother]. Then come the coffee. Formerly, it was the exchange of gifts,
but now we leave it for later. In the evening there is chicken fricasse and
then we happily gather in Magdeburg for the midnight Mass in the cathedral.
Sam: "Christmas night for
us is always the Same. We go to
church at 4:00 a.m. and then I feel comfortably by my brother side. There are
several dishes: sausage, cheese, fish and so on. For the exchange of gifts, it
is a tradition to play the Elvis album. It's always good with wheezing. "
Digger: "What should not be
missing on Christmas Eve is a real tree with real candles and a bucket of water
beside it. Very important".
Who would you like to have
a Coke with?
Digger: "I always wanted to
meet Will Smith. I would get along very well with him easily "
Basti: "I would have liked
to get drunk on Coca-Cola with Helmut Schmidt and see if he would still put six
more cubes of sugar [in Coke]. He probably would have. Although I would hardly
do it without an oxygen mask. "
Sam: "A Coke and a
hamburger with my Elvis idol in a classic 1950s diner. That would have been great!"
Original (in German) by Thomas Bremser
Translate: TBB Brasil Fanpage
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